Corporate Social Responsibility

Compliance with EcoVadis Regulations

  • EcoVadis : Overview
  • Meeting EcoVadis requirements : What does this mean?
  • Progress
EcoVadis : Overview

Established in 2007, EcoVadis runs the world’s first collaborative platform for business sustainability (CSR) ratings, looking into the environmental and social achievements of global suppliers.

More than 5,500 businesses in 155 countries worldwide as an organization are using the company’s CSR evaluation platform and also CQV is actively participating in this platform.

Meeting EcoVadis requirements : What does this mean?

Meeting EcoVadis requirements : What does this mean?

EcoVadis evaluates CSR compliance using 21 criteria across four themes: Environment, fair labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Meeting EcoVadis requirements means that a company complies with international conventions on human rights, environment, labor practice and parts procurement as well as quality and is thus recognized as a highly sustainable organization capable of supporting the growth of its customers and suppliers of raw materials.



We have been working on meeting the requirements stated in 344 inquiries from EcoVadis. In the four areas of environment, fair labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement, we act to fulfill our corporate social responsibilities and win the trust of our customers and partners.

On December 28, 2022, CQV co., Ltd. obtained the “Gold Certification Level” in the EcoVadis Sustainability (CSR) Performance Survey. which evaluates the company’s “social responsibility performance”.

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