Corporate Social Responsibility

Ethical Management

  • Code of ethics
  • Ethical management : Overview
  • Efforts for realizing ethical management
Code of ethics

CQV Co., Ltd. aims to create a new future with honesty and trust, creative thinking and endless challenges under a new business environment, and a global company that contributes to the dreams of human society.

The practice of the Code of Ethics is the basis for this, and CQV Co., Ltd. has revised the existing code of ethics to become a reliable partner of various stakeholders and to increase the value of customers. All executives and employees of CQV Co., Ltd. should use this code of ethics as a norm of value judgment and behavior and comply with it.

This Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct supports and pursues the spirit and values specified in various international norms and related laws, including the UNGC.

Our company, executives and employees shall perform their duties on a clear and transparent standards basis.

Our company, executives and employees shall establish sound ethical values, comply with various laws and basic ethics, and faithfully perform their duties in due course and method.

Our company, executives and employees provide safe products, best services, and correct information to realize customer value, and thoroughly protect customer information.

Our company, executives and employees respect each member as an independent person and provide fair working conditions and a safe working environment for this purpose.

Our company, executives and employees contribute to realizing sustainable development in which various stakeholders can prosper together through the implementation of social responsibilities.

Code of Conduct

Our company, executives and employees shall comply with the following matters in order to implement the below Code of Conduct.

Protecting Customer Interests

Our company, executives and employees provide safe products, the best services, and correct information to realize customer value, and thoroughly protect personal information.

1. Ensure Customer Safety

Customer safety is prioritized in the entire process of R&D, raw material procurement, production, sales and distribution, and post-sale services.

2. Provide Complete Information

Provide customers with good and useful information related to products and services to help them make the right decisions, and do not provide false or exaggerated information.

3. Guarantee of Quality

It does not do anything that hinders the quality standards necessary to reliably supply the best products and services to customers.

4. Protect Customer Information

For the protection of customers’ personal information, we comply with relevant laws and regulations and do not engage in actions that may illegally infringe on customers’ personal information.

5. Gather Customer Feedback

Listen to the customer’s opinion on the product and service and actively accept the customer’s legitimate needs and reasonable suggestions.

6. Product Liability

It actively provides information necessary to prevent damage and risk to customers, and implements measures to ensure the safety of products and services.

Ethics for Executives and Employees

Our company, executives and employees perform their duties on a clear and transparent basis, and fulfill their responsibilities with good faith and sincerity.

1. No Bribery

Employees and employees shall not receive any form, monetary or non-monetary, of illegal or unethical benefits and bribery from our stakeholders, nor do we provide or promise thereof. (including money, services, entertainment, gifts, donations, grants, preferential treatment, convenience, etc.).

2. Prohibition of Improper Solicitation

We prohibit improper solicitation externally between executive and employees and stakeholders, as well as internally between executives and employees.

3. No Insider Trading

Employees and employees shall not t leak insider secrets, knowledge or information2 obtained either directly or indirectly in the course of employment, nor use such illicit gains for the purpose of pursuing individual interest (The subject of insider trading includes all of our company’s confidential information, knowledge, business information, organizational information such as mergers and acquisitions, stock price-related information, internal decision-making, etc.).

4. Workplace Ethics

Executives and employees shall do their utmost to fulfill their responsibilities in the course of employment, regardless of time or place, and use our company’s assets and facilities only for the purposes of fulfilling their duties.

5. Prohibition of Abuse of Power

Employees and employees shall not abuse our power or status to exert undue influence or pursue illicit benefits for our company or individuals.

6. Conflict of Interest

Employees and employees in cases where conflicts of interests between Our company and individuals are unavoidable, we act in the best interests of our company and our customers, within the scope allowed by the law.

7. Document & Reporting

Employees and employees shall not prepare or report documents based on fabricated contents, such as concealment, reduction, exaggeration, or false contents, or share them with internal and external stakeholders.

Respect for Executives and Employee

Our company, executives and employees shall respect our members as independent individuals, and to this end, we provide fair working conditions and safe working environments.

1. Mutual Respect between Executives and Employee

Employees and employees shall observe basic workplace etiquette, respect each other, and maintain smooth communication and active cooperation.

2. Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Career Management and Education

Our company shall provide executives and employees with equal opportunities for training and capacity development, assess them fairly based on performance, and give them fair compensation.

3. Maintaining Safety and Health

Our company and employees and employees are committed to taking all measures necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of our executives and employees, and to maintain working environments safe from occupational accidents, injuries, disasters, disease and contagion.

4. Maintaining the Working Environment

Our company creates a working environment where executives and employees can work in a comfortable and safe state, and installs and operates various convenience facilities necessary for sufficient rest time and rest.

5. Talent Development

Our company shall provide fair educational opportunities through the opening and operation of various curriculums for the development of executives and employees’ abilities, and create an atmosphere with a system in which executives and employees can freely propose, propose, and express difficulties. 

6. Boost Morale

Our company formulates and implements a system designed to inspire employees’ work enthusiasm and morale, listens to employees’ opinions at any time, and takes necessary measures.

Protection of Respect for Human Rights

Our company and our executives and employees actively support and support international efforts to protect human rights. Our company respects not only members of our company but also individual members of all stakeholders as independent personalities and protects their human rights.

1. Protection of Human Rights

Our company, executives and employees respect each employee as an independent person and take active measures to ensure that human rights that human society pursues universally are protected.

2. Guarantee of Labor Rights

Our company complies with the labor relations laws of the country where the workplace is located and guarantees the basic labor rights of executives and employees. Our company creates a plan to receive workers’ grievances, implements it, and actively promotes it.

3. Prohibition of Child Labor and Forced Labor

Our company actively supports the international community’s efforts to ban child labor and forced labor, and prohibits child labor and forced labor in the workplace. In solidarity with the international community, our company makes active efforts to educate and guide our company’s suppliers and stakeholders to avoid child labor and forced labor, and to monitor it at all times.

4. Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons

Our company strongly condemns human trafficking and actively supports international efforts to eradicate it. Our company strongly prohibits it from engaging in human trafficking in any case. It makes active efforts to educate and guide our company’s suppliers and stakeholders so that they are not involved in human trafficking, and to monitor them at all times.

5. Prohibition of Conflict Minerals

Our company actively supports international efforts to prevent the use of the four major minerals (3TGs, Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten, and Gold) mined in African conflict zones to protect human rights and prevent conflict, and prohibits the use of conflict minerals in the workplace. It makes active efforts to educate, guide, and monitor our company’s suppliers and stakeholders on the ban on the use of conflict minerals.

6. No Discrimination

Our company, executives and employees forbid discrimination against executives and employees based on nationality, place of birth, race, gender, age, culture, religion, disability, education, political affiliation, personal tastes, or any other factors.

7. No Sexual Harassment

Executives and employees shall recognize that sexual harassment is an offense that not only violates individual human rights and hinders the working atmosphere, but also results in loss of motivation to work and a decrease in productivity, and actively endeavor to prevent it.

8. No Workplace Bullying

Employees and employees shall not engage in all online or offline activities that insult the personality of members or undermine human dignity, such as verbal or physical violence, bullying, or intimidation, and shall actively endeavor to prevent such acts.

Pursuing Sustainability

Our company and our executives and employees shall contribute to sustainable development by fulfilling our social & environmental responsibilities as a global company, so that all mankind may prosper together in harmony.

1. Addressing Environmental and Social Issues

Our company, executives and employees fulfill their responsibilities to solve the environmental and social problems facing humanity in the entire process of carrying out the business.

2. Environmental Conservation

Our company and our executives and employees understand that the environment is an invaluable asset to be preserved for future generations and minimize the negative impact on the environment in the entire process of carrying out the project.

3. Community Philanthropy

Our company and our executives and employees are committed to identifying the social problems facing our society and humanity, and to finding solutions for these issues.

4. Stakeholder Engagement

Our company and our executives and employees actively communicate with our company’s stakeholders on important issues related to sustainability, encourage participation, and cooperate with each other.

5. Donations and Sponsors

Our company, executives and employees shall comply with all internal standards and rules relevant to fairly processing charitable donations and sponsorships, and ban donations and sponsorships of a political nature.

6. Enhancement of Shareholder Value

Our company and our executives and employees seek to improve the value of our company and its shareholders through sustainable management. Our company does its best to increase the value of our company and maximize the interests of shareholders through transparent and sound management.

7. Disclosure of Information

Our company and our executives and employees shall make financial and non-financial information publicly available, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Manager’s Responsibility

Managers responsible for ensuring compliance with this Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct shall be committed to supporting and managing all relevant executives, employees and stakeholders, in the implementation of this Ethics Charter and Code of Conduct.

1. System Configuration

Organizations implementing this Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct shall establish appropriate organizational and reporting systems to prevent ethical risks and conduct due diligence, as well as clearly determine roles and responsibilities in this respect.

2. Monitoring and Due Diligence

Organizations implementing this Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct shall regularly monitor ethical risks and establish programs to review these risks.

3. Internal Control and Reporting Systems

Organizations implementing this Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct shall develop a reporting system that is internally and externally accessible 24 hours a day, as well as introduce appropriate internal systems such as regular or occasional auditing.

4. Whistleblower Protection

Organizations implementing this Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct shall protect theidentity of whistleblowers and take any and all measures necessary to protect them from unreasonable treatment, discrimination and retaliation.

5. Code of Ethics Education

Organizations implementing this Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct shall provide appropriate training to assist executives and employees in respecting and implementing the content and spirit of this Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.

6. Measures against Violation

Organizations implementing this Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct shall, in case of violations of this Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct, promptly take necessary measures in accordance with internal regulations.

7. Disclosure of Information

Organizations implementing this Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct shall develop appropriate mechanisms to prevent further violations and make them publicly available.

Supplementary Provisions

1. This Code of Ethics shall be enacted on January 1, 2012.

This Code of Ethics shall be amended and enforced on March 18, 2024.

2. Applicable Objects

A. This Code of Ethics applies to our company and all employees.

B. Our company and our executives and employees should understand the applicable contents and encourage active

participation of all the partners who do business with our company.

3. Relationship with Other Regulations within Our Comnpany

If this Code of Ethics conflicts with other regulations in our company, this Code of Ethics shall take precedence.

. Ethics-related Conseling and Reporting Channels

  • Online report:
  • Phone: 043-531-2510
  • Fax : 043-536-0314
  • Mail: (27845)144 Seongjung-ro, Jincheon-eup, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do
March 18th, 2024
CQV Co., Ltd.
Ethical management : Overview

Ethical management is an integral part of corporate sustainability.

We are well aware of how essential it is to ensure fair and just operation for all our stakeholders.

As competition intensifies and regulatory conditions become more stringent, growing is the importance of fair and just operation for our partners, suppliers, government agencies and other stakeholders. In the past, unfair operation was often perceived as a mere ethical misconduct, but now it is highlighted as a must-address issue.

In this sense, ethical management is gaining significance as a decisive factor affecting the sustainability of businesses.

Our Approach

We adopted the code of ethics in 2012 and developed ethical guidelines for its implementation. We have since carried out a wide range of relevant activities, including training and PR.

We have set out standards for fair and just business operation and have systems in place to implement these standards.

Efforts for realizing ethical management

Training on code of ethics and ethical guidelines

All members of our organization must complete training on ethics, including the code of ethics. Our ethical guidelines stipulate procedures for handling breach of the code of ethics, making it easier to report any such violation while strongly protecting whistleblowers.


We prohibit bribery, corruption, coercion and embezzlement. We do not allow any of our members to offer or receive bribes or other undue advantage to achieve inappropriate and unjust gains. We have built internal control systems to ensure fair and just operation, successfully keeping the number of anti-corruption breaches at zero.

Protection of customer data and technology

We understand that the security of trade secrets, which we maintain and handle with special care, is a quintessential element of sustainable management not only for us but for our customers and other stakeholders. To this end, we have established and meticulously implemented systematic data security, physical data security (e.g. CCTV), management of access control facilities, and business site access procedures. We also provide mandatory training on data security for all our members to highlight that data security is at the heart of everything we do.

Tighter CSR control on supply chain

We explain our commitment to the code of ethics and ethical management to our partners and encourage them to join us. We never tolerate any form of corruption. We share this value to protect our business and customers and uphold the values that our customers seek to protect.

For better CSR compliance across our supply chain, we have developed CSR management standards and incorporated them into the evaluation of our suppliers. We will continue to manage the CSR compliance of our suppliers from the perspective of mutual prosperity to ensure green and ethical business operations.

Internal control system

We have an internal control system for fair and just operation. We have in place an electronic system for internal control; we maintain the reliability and transparency of our accounting data through our internal accounting control system.

Whistleblowing system

We have a whistleblowing system based on our ethical guidelines. We make sure that both our internal and external stakeholders can report any act of corruption and other unfair business practices. Whistleblowing reports to the compliance officer can be made in any possible forms, including via email (, mail (attn: compliance officer; 144, Seongjung-ro, Jincheon-eup, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea), and face-to-face consultation.

Whistleblowing procedure

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